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Expert perspectives to help you meet and exceed your grants goals

Featured Insight

10 Insider Tips for Experienced Fundraisers in Grant Seeking

For experienced fundraising leaders, the key to continued success in grant seeking is refinement and adaptation.


10 Insider Tips for Experienced Fundraisers in Grant Seeking

For experienced fundraising leaders, the key to continued success in grant seeking is refinement and adaptation....


MacKenzie Scott’s Philanthropy Pushes Institutional Funders Toward Bold Change

While no single approach can address the complexities of societal challenges, Scott’s model has sparked a conversation that institutional funders cannot ignore. ...


8 Steps for Government Grant Funding Success

To improve your chances of securing government funding, a structured and thorough approach is essential....


So You Feel Like You’re Missing Out on Grant Opportunities? Uncovering the Gaps and Maximizing Your Potential

This free webinar will address the most common frustrations and inefficiencies in grant programs, and share practical tips to help nonprofits increase their grant funding potential....


Why You Can’t Outsource Your Grant Writing

Grant seeking success isn’t about outsourcing; it’s about partnership. ...


How Nonprofit Board Members Can Excel at Fundraising (Without Asking for Money)

How board members can significantly contribute to their nonprofit's fundraising success without directly asking for a single dollar. ...


With Uncertainty Around Federal Grant Funding, Will Philanthropy Step Up?

Worried about losing federal grant funding? Grants Plus assessed a decade’s worth of giving data to better understand the impact, and identify what you can do about it....

Press And Award

Grants Plus profiled by Grant Station

In a world where securing grant funding can feel like a competitive race, Grants Plus stands out as a strategic partner that not only helps nonprofits win the race, but also build lasting relationships with funders....


How to Sustain Grant Funding Amidst the Healthcare Staffing Crisis

Understanding staffing issues in healthcare, and more importantly, identifying strategies to address them, is paramount to grant funding sustainability and growth. ...

Success Story

The Centers

Nearly $30 million in grant funding awarded to help advance equity by healing, teaching, and inspiring individuals and families to reach their full potential....


From Award to Impact: 7 Essential Steps for Effective Grant Management

Embracing these 7 steps isn't just about fulfilling obligations; it's about ensuring that every awarded grant amplifies the impact you make in the world....


New Federal Grants Reforms Reduce Burdens on Grant Seekers

Good news for federal grant seekers: The updated Uniform Guidance from the Office of Management and Budget went into effect on October 1....