Making calls to potential funders is essential to grant seeking success. Yet despite the importance of connecting with funders, there are several distractions and hurdles that may prevent us from prioritizing our cultivation strategy. Our team has reflected on common obstacles you may encounter when reaching out to funders and is offering their expert advice on how to overcome them. Following these tips will help you establish a successful approach to connecting with new funders. Keep reading to learn more.
Block out time in advance
We get it. Running a nonprofit is incredibly hard work and leaves you with very little spare time. However, in order to gain the revenues needed to continue your important work you must carve out time to make calls and forge new relationships with funders. Blocking this time on your calendar in advance is a good way to hold yourself accountable and make space for this important task.
Prepare a fact sheet
Making a call to a potential funder is much like sitting down to take a test. Before you pick up the phone you should have already taken the time to research the funding agency to ensure their organizational goals align with your goals. It may be helpful to have some notes in front of you with helpful facts to have ready during the call. This fact sheet can include examples of previous projects the donor has funded that are similar to yours, an outline of specific program opportunities, detailed information about your programs, and any other information that can help provide context and clarity about why you believe the funder is a good match for your organization. There is no such thing as being too prepared for your first phone call.
If you need assistance researching funders who are well aligned with your organization, our team can help! Learn more about our research services
Leverage connections
Even the most experienced grant seekers will find it hard to reach certain funders. Whether their inbox is overcrowded, they don’t answer calls from unknown numbers, or they’re simply too busy to spare a few minutes, it can be incredibly frustrating when you can’t get on a funder’s calendar. Try not to get discouraged when this happens. Instead, try out these tips:

Hopefully, one of these methods will prove effective and help you land on the funder’s radar. We cannot stress enough how influential your board members can be in making introductory calls and emails. Contact us if your organization is interested in grants training designed specifically for board members.
Focus on making a personal connection
Grant seeking and fundraising require a relational strategy. Forging new relationships with individuals is one thing, but approaching a goliath foundation may be intimidating. However, there is no reason to shy away from larger funding organizations. Remember that every organization, no matter how large, is still comprised of individual people – each with their own personalities, passions, and quirks. Connecting on a personal level can be equally (if not more) valuable than ensuring your organization looks good on paper. Don’t let the size of an organization prevent you from having the same friendly and open approach you would have with smaller and less intimidating funders.
Embrace the learning curve
Finally, keep in mind that donor cultivation is a long game. Establishing a connection with a funder usually takes multiple touchpoints, and leaving a positive and memorable first impression is a success in itself! It’s impossible to strike gold with every funder, so try to be patient with yourself and understand no amount of preparation or personal touches will be enough for certain funders.
If you notice that you are consistently not making progress with funders there may be an opportunity to improve upon your approach. Here are a few strategies to try:

We hope that these tips will help you feel more energized, prepared, and confident in your efforts to reach new funders. For more information on cultivating positive funder relationships, please visit our Resource Center or contact our team if you’re in need of further strategy assistance. Contact the Grants Plus Team Resource Center