Grant Writing Support Insights

Grant Writing Support
Why You Can’t Outsource Your Grant Writing
Grant seeking success isn’t about outsourcing; it’s about partnership. ...

Grant Writing Support
The Keystone of Grant Seeking in Higher Education: Leveraging Expert Knowledge for Success
How higher education institutions can harness their subject matter experts to increase grant funding while sustaining innovation....

Grant Writing Support
How Exploitive Language Is Hurting Your Grant Proposals
Five tips for deploying equitable language best practices in your grant proposals. ...

Federal Grant Writing, Grant Prospect Research, Grant Writing Support, Partner Plan
Successful Grant Seeking Starts with a Strategic Plan
In this robust but competitive grant seeking market, what will set some organizations apart? The answer lies not in the proposals themselves but in what precedes them: a thorough and thoughtful strategic plan....

Federal Grant Writing, Grant Prospect Research, Grant Writing Support, Partner Plan
Smart Budgeting for Grant Seeking and Long-Term Resilience
When fiscal year budgeting hits full swing, many nonprofits are faced with a common and complex challenge: how to best allocate their limited funds, not only for immediate needs but also for organizational sustainability. Traditionally, the conventional wisdom has steered...

Grant Writing Support
How to Win Grants: Five Steps for Successful Grant Seeking for Nonprofits
How can nonprofits strategically position themselves to thrive in today’s fast-paced funding landscape? ...

Grant Writing Support
Navigating Grant Seeking Staff Shortages
The four most important tactics for avoiding common pitfalls to grant seeking amidst persistent staffing challenges. ...

Grant Writing Support
Nonprofit Grant Writing: Securing Grants for Your Cause
The tips, the dos, and the don’ts of successful nonprofit grant writing....

Grant Writing Support
3 Steps Every Organization Should Take When Competing for Funding in the “New Now”
The past year has been one of flashing headlines and reactive planning. While it appears that the world may slowly be returning to some semblance of normalcy, there are certain affects that no policy or vaccine can undo. More specifically, the...

Grant Writing Support
25 Top Fundraising Consultants: Standout Firms for Any Need
How can your organization more quickly and confidently reach its fundraising goals? By enlisting an experienced fundraising consultant or fundraising consultant firm who can guide your team to pursue new approaches and winning fundraising strategies. What’s key is choosing a...

Grant Writing Support
Nonprofit Grant Management: Learning the Essentials
Grant management involves tracking and reporting on grants in order to satisfy funder requirements and keep accurate records. Learn more with our crash course....

Grant Writing Support, Partner Plan
What’s a Donor-Advised Fund? Understanding the Essentials
Over the past decade, nonprofit fundraising has been rapidly transformed by new ways to give. In particular, donor-advised funds have soared as a popular way for generous donors to support nonprofits of all sizes, creating an opportunity for nonprofits to...