Focus Areas:
Job Training for Special Populations
$5,000-$500,000 range. Median is roughly $50,000
Geographic Focus:
Funder Type:
All applicants must have tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status as a non-profit organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. Higher education institutions.
“Economic Security and Dignity” is one of four focus areas for the foundation, and includes comprehensive workforce development efforts that focus on formerly incarcerated men and women, immigrants and refugees, or low-income people of color and provide all of the following: Placement into living wage jobs that offer robust benefits and pathways for career advancement, job retention services, and case-managed wrap-around services. Construction job training programs will fit in the focus area, but must be targeted to the populations desired to serve by the Foundation.
The Foundation has a very open introduction/enrollment process for new grantees. Learn More